Mountain Statesman | The History of Taylor County Chapter Three Hundred-Forty-Five

2022-04-22 20:51:25 By : Admin

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By: Charles Brinkman - Updated: 1 week ago

A glance at the costumes worn by the ladies of the 1900s reveals the difference in the styles between now and then. A costume with wide flared skirt that entirely covers the feet, tight waist with a very full puffed sleeves and tight cuffs and very high choker collars with plenty of gauge trimmings or beaded passementeries were in vogue. Cedar brown whose shade ran from the bit of wood in a lead pencil to the richer shade of the wood in a cigar box, leather color verging on yellow instead of the reddish shade was a favorite. Linens both white and colored batistes flowered and bordered were favorites for the warm months. Natural linens that were extensively used in grandmother’s days for gowns, writing habits and dusters and suits for men seem to have been discarded for the new material called by the trade seersucker which saved ironing and pressing. The old time Canton flannels whose usefulness for undergarments was next to muslins the most used cotton fabric of the early days and is so little used now few people know of it and has been replaced by the outbidding cloth of today. The old-time calico of 24 inches wide and playing and fancy figures piled high on the counters of the stores who uses were a numerable since the beginning of the town has given away to Prince of today which now is made in 36-inch widths. There are so many articles of cotton and wool that the busy wives piled the needle to fashion into garments for her brood and household in the days of long ago, such as court needs, jeans, cheviots cotton surges and other fabrics peculiar to that time have long since disappeared from the shelves of the stores of today. Hand sewing to, is almost a lost art. Garments once fashioned in the household are now supplied from the factories of the great cities.

Captain Henry Leps of Grafton perfected and patented a gas burner which he claimed would reduce the fuel cost 60% and consume 25% less gas than the two gas burner and used in furnaces in the same work period to prove the efficiency of his invention a test was made on a 125 horsepower boiler under which two burners were in use and it was found the new burner only consumed 32 feet of gas per horsepower, a saving of about $0.52 per ton of coal at the current price of $1.30 cents per ton. The flame from the burner he claimed would not injure the great bars, furnace or sections. He installed his burners in the broilers of the Grafton gas and electric light company and in the furnace in the new Wehn This is not right building in the ten-pot glass furnace of the east Grafton window glass plant with a great saving and heat costs in these places.

The theatrical season for the fall of 1907 opened with a romance of southern life entitled, “The Sweetest Girl in Dixie,” Which came to the Opera House September 9, 1907, and pleased a very good audience.

Doctor Charles A. Sinsel presided at a convention of the medical fraternity who gathered in the Opera House to discuss matters of importance concerning their profession and invited suggestions for better health conditions throughout the state. Doctor Wingerter of Wheeling was the chief leader in this gathering on September 11, 1907. 

Gus Cohen who made a most favorable impression as a delineator or of comedy roles came to the Opera House for a return date with his company of artists and met with the most flattering success from the local patrons September 13th and 14th 1907.

Louis Hess, brother of John H. Hess of Grafton came to visit his brother and renew old acquaintances after an absence of 31 years period he was a bricklayer by occupation and during his residence in Grafton was engaged on the construction of the Saint Augustine Catholic Church erected in 1873. He took up his residence in the city of Louisville KY where many opportunities offered the Craftsman of his trade and he by his industry prospered and seemed pleased that he accumulated a competence that provided for all his future once. He noticed the many improvements that came with the passing of the years and complemented the people of Latrobe St for the vast changes for the better that replaced the old films building that lined this narrow lane at the time of his residence in Grafton.

The clothing firm of Loar and Hendrickson moved their stock in the new Wehn building on West Main Street, William PD. Hendrickson, known to all his friends a hitch was in charge of business. He began his career as a salesman with L. Adelson, who was the leading clothier of Grafton for many years, and the experience he gained in the line of trade in his young days fitted him to manage the business of the new firm the new quarters were admirably adapted to this line and the stock carried comprise the very best line of tailored garments.

Professor Claude E. Vincent, director of the Imperial Band and Lady’s orchestra, gave a fine and artistic concert in the Opera House September 19th 1907. The musical number given by the combined organizations was the most liberally patronized by the music numbers that he and of the members. Liberal and spontaneous applause greeted the professor he was forced to bow his acknowledgments at these manifestations of appreciation.

F. Friedman and Company in a large newspaper display illustrated the prevailing style of clothes and accessories for the well-dressed man of 1907. It is safe to say while they’re double-breasted sack suits of that. Were much the same as the suit worn by the younger men of today would not be out of place, the flaring coat of the single-breasted suit would look strange on the well-dressed man today. The hats of that. Would doubtless cause amusement at their appearance on the heads of the well-dressed man now separate cuffs with their metal holders, ankle top button shoes with toothpick toes, the unbecoming high crown stiff Derby hat, the Ascot tie and fancy silk handkerchief were considered the necessary adjuncts to the men’s wardrobe in those days.

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